koboextractor package

Module contents

class koboextractor.KoboExtractor(token, endpoint, debug=False)[source]

Bases: object

Extracts collected data from KoBoToolbox.

This class provides methods to connect to the kpi API of KoBoToolbox, access information about surveys, their questions, choices, and responses.


Your authentication token, which can be obtained from https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/token/.


The KoBoToolbox kpi API endpoint, e.g. https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/api/v2 or https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/api/v2.


Set to True to enable debugging output. Default: False.


Gets information on an asset (survey).

Gets all information on an asset (survey) in the associated KoBoToolbox account.


asset_uid (str) – Unique ID of the asset. Obtainable e.g. through list_assets()['results'][i]['uid'] (for your first asset, use i=0).

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


A dict containing information about your asset. Log into KoBoToolbox and visit https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/api/v2/assets/YOUR_ASSET_UID/ to see a description.


Groups the choices (answer options) of a survey into a dict.

Groups all the choices (answer options) of a survey into a dict, arranged by their list. A ‘sequence’ number is added to allow restoring the original order of the choices from the inherently unordered dict.


asset – A dict as returned by get_asset().


A dict of the form:

    LIST_NAME: {
        'label': CHOICE_LABEL,
        'sequence': SEQUENCE_NUMBER

where CHOICE_LABEL is the label (text) of the choice in the survey’s default language, and SEQUENCE_NUMBER is an incrementing number that can be used to restore the order of the choices in the survey from this unordered dict.

get_data(asset_uid, query=None, start=None, limit=None, submitted_after=None)[source]

Gets the data (responses) of an asset (survey).

Gets all information on an asset (survey) in the associated KoBoToolbox account.

  • asset_uid – Unique ID of the asset. Obtainable e.g. through list_assets()['results'][i]['uid'] (for your first asset, use i=0).

  • query – Query string in the form '{"field":"value"}' or '{"field":{"op": "value"}}', e.g. '{"_submission_time": {"$gt": "2020-05-14T14:36:20"}}'. See https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/query/ for operators.

  • start – Index (zero-based) from which the results start (default: 0).

  • limit – Number of results per page (max: 30000, default: 30000).

  • submitted_after – Shorthand to query for submission time. String of date and time in ISO format (e.g. 2020-05-14T14:36:20, results) in query '{"_submission_time": {"$gt": "2020-05-14T14:36:20"}}'. Ignored when combined with ‘query’.


A dict containing the data associated with the asset. For a survey asset, the key ‘count’ provides the number of responses. The key ‘results’ contains a list of responses. Each response is a dict with several metadata keys (such as ‘_submission_time’) and key/value pairs for each answered question in the form of ‘GROUP_CODE/QUESTION_CODE’: ‘ANSWER_CODE’. Log into KoBoToolbox and visit https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/api/v2/assets/YOUR_ASSET_UID/data/ for a more detailed description.

get_questions(asset, unpack_multiples)[source]

Groups the choices (answer options) of a survey into a dict.

Groups all the choices (answer options) of a survey into a dict, arranged by their list. A ‘sequence’ number is added to allow restoring the original order of the choices from the inherently unordered dict.

  • asset – A dict as returned by get_asset().

  • unpack_multiples – If True, the corresponding choices from get_choices() are added as subsequent questions following a multiple choice question (type ‘select_multiple’). The type of these additional questions is set to ‘select_multiple_option’.


A dict of the form:

        'label': GROUP_LABEL,
        'questions': {
            QUESTION_CODE: {
                'type': QUESTION_TYPE,
                'sequence': SEQUENCE_NUMBER,
                'label': QUESTION_LABEL,
                'list_name': CHOICE_LIST_NAME,

where GROUP_LABEL and QUESTION_LABEL are the labels (text) of the group or question in the survey’s default language. SEQUENCE_NUMBER is an incrementing number that can be used to restore the order of the questions in the survey from this unordered dict.

Depending on the question, not all keys may be present.

An additional question of the type ‘_or_other’ is inserted after any question which type ends in ‘_or_other’, to cover the reponses to such questions.

label_result(unlabeled_result, choice_lists, questions, unpack_multiples)[source]

Adds labels for questions and answers to a response.

Adds labels corresponding the the question group codes, question codes and answer codes to a response.


from KoboExtractor import KoboExtractor
kobo = KoboExtractor(KOBO_TOKEN, 'https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/api/v2')

assets = kobo.list_assets()
asset_uid = assets['results'][0]['uid']
asset = kobo.get_asset(asset_uid)
choice_lists = kobo.get_choices(asset)
questions = kobo.get_questions(asset=asset, unpack_multiples=True)

asset_data = kobo.get_data(asset_uid)
results = kobo.sort_results_by_time(asset_data['results'])
labeled_results = []
for result in results:
    labeled_results.append(kobo.label_result(unlabeled_result=result, choice_lists=choice_lists, questions=questions, unpack_multiples=True))
  • unlabeled_result

    A single result (dict) of the form:


    (e.g. one of the list items in get_data(asset_uid)['results']).

  • choice_lists – Dict of choice lists as returned by get_choices(asset).

  • questions – Dict of questions as returned by get_questions(asset)

  • unpack_multiples – If True, the corresponding choices from get_choices() are added as subsequent questions following a multiple choice question (type ‘select_multiple’).


A dict of the form:

    'meta': {
        'start': '2020-05-15T08:07:24.705+08:00',
        '_version_': 'vf4kqJPWTbsMrZSw5RZQ7H',
        '_submission_time': '2020-05-15T00:17:51',
    'questions': {
        GROUP_CODE: {
            'label': 'Group label',
            'questions': {
                QUESTION_CODE: {
                    'label': 'Question label',
                    'answer_code': ANSWER_CODE,
                    'answer_label': 'Answer label',
                    'sequence': QUESTION_SEQUENCE

QUESTION_SEQUENCE reflects the order of the questions (and choices) in the survey.


Lists all assets (surveys).

Lists all assets (surveys) in the associated KoBoToolbox account.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


A dict containing information about your assets. Log into KoBoToolbox and visit https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/api/v2/assets/ to see a description.

sort_results_by_time(unsorted_results, reverse=False)[source]

Sorts an unordered list of responses by their submission time.

Sorts a list of responses in random order (e.g. as obtained by get_data(asset_uid)['results'] by the value of their _submission_time key.


from koboextractor import KoboExtractor
kobo = KoboExtractor(KOBO_TOKEN, 'https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/api/v2')
assets = kobo.list_assets()
asset_uid = assets['results'][0]['uid']
new_data = kobo.get_data(asset_uid)
new_results = kobo.sort_results_by_time(new_data['results'])
  • unsorted_results – A list of results as returned by kobo.get_data(asset_uid)['results'].

  • reverse – If True, sort in descending order. Default: False.


A list of results as provided in unsorted_results, but sorted by the value of their _submission_time key.