
This Python package provides a wrapper around part of the KoBoToolbox kpi API, with the main goal being to ease the downloading of survey responses. It provides methods to download data from the KoBoToolbox kpi API (e.g. https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/ or https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/) and to rearrange this data into useable structures.


KoboExtractor requires Python 3.6+.

Simply install from PyPI with:

pip3 install koboextractor

Example usage

In this example, response data is downloaded from KoBoToolbox and arranged in a form that is convenient for further processing, e.g. for storing in a different database or uploading to Google Sheets.

Import and initialise the KoboExtractor:

from koboextractor import KoboExtractor
kobo = KoboExtractor(KOBO_TOKEN, 'https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/api/v2', debug=debug)

Get the unique ID of the first asset in your KoBoToolbox account:

assets = kobo.list_assets()
asset_uid = assets['results'][0]['uid']

Information on the questions and choices in your survey can be obtained with:

asset = kobo.get_asset(asset_uid)
choice_lists = kobo.get_choices(asset)
questions = kobo.get_questions(asset=asset, unpack_multiples=True)

questions is a dictionary of the form:

        GROUP_CODE: {
                'label': GROUP_LABEL,
                'questions': {
                        QUESTION_CODE: {
                                'type': QUESTION_TYPE,
                                'sequence': SEQUENCE_NUMBER,
                                'label': QUESTION_LABEL,
                                'list_name': CHOICE_LIST_NAME,

choices is a dictionary of the form:

        LIST_NAME: {
                'label': CHOICE_LABEL,
                'sequence': SEQUENCE_NUMBER

One way to delete questions you’re not interested in could be:

# Remove all questions without labels or of the following types
delete_types = ['start', 'end', 'today', 'begin_group', 'end_group', 'calculate']
for question_group, question_group_dict in questions.items():
        # The [] part is building a list of question_codes where the question type is in the above delete list
        for question_code in [question_code for question_code, question_dict in question_group_dict['questions'].items() if question_dict['type'] in delete_types]: del questions[question_group]['questions'][question_code]
        for question_code in [question_code for question_code, question_dict in question_group_dict['questions'].items() if 'label' not in question_dict]: del questions[question_group]['questions'][question_code]
# delete empty question groups
for question_group in [question_group for question_group, question_group_dict in questions.items() if not question_group_dict['questions']]: del questions[question_group]

If you need a list of questions in the order of their appearance in the survey, use:

# Put all questions from all groups into one list
all_questions = []
for question_group_code, question_group_dict in questions.items():
        for question_code, question_dict in question_group_dict['questions'].items():
                if 'label' in question_dict:
                        label = question_dict['label']
                        label = question_code
                        'group_code': question_group_code,
                        'question_code': question_code,
                        'question_label': label,
                        'sequence': question_dict['sequence']
# Sort the questions by their order in the survey
sorted_questions = sorted(all_questions, key = lambda question: question['sequence'])

Download all responses submitted after a certain point in time:

new_data = kobo.get_data(asset_uid, submitted_after='2020-05-20T17:29:30')

The number of downloaded results is available in new_data['count'].

new_data will be an unordered list of form submissions. We can sort this list by submission time by calling:

new_results = kobo.sort_results_by_time(new_data['results'])

Each response (list item) is a dict with several metadata keys (such as ‘_submission_time’) and key/value pairs for each answered question in the form of ‘GROUP_CODE/QUESTION_CODE’: ‘ANSWER_CODE’. Map the question and answer labels from your survey onto the coded answers in the responses:

labeled_results = []
for result in new_results: # new_results is a list of list of dicts
        # Unpack answers to select_multiple questions
        labeled_results.append(kobo.label_result(unlabeled_result=result, choice_lists=choice_lists, questions=questions, unpack_multiples=True))


The full documentation is available at https://koboextractor.readthedocs.io .